“WOW; I learned so much from your writing. You can help thousands of people with the information you’ve compiled.” M.T.
“Excellent tool for anyone.” A.S.
“Sunless SKIES will be an excellent guide for anyone who finds themselves anywhere in the grief cycle.” C.G.W.
“I consider myself a very discriminating reader…if something doesn’t capture my attention in the first 10 minutes, it usually won’t pass my test. You did a VERY good job of drawing me in. Then, you didn’t let me down, you delivered what you promised.” C.W.

“The words on the pages of this book brought tremendous peace and comfort to my soul. Thanks for writing Sunless Skies.” A.H.S.
“This book is amazing! The information and life lessons shared are invaluable. It should be in the hands of every person.” R.D.